Can You Put A Refrigerator Outside?

You undoubtedly think about grilling or breaking out an excellent beer on your terrace with buddies while planning your ideal outdoor-oriented summer. You’re not fantasizing about dashing back inside to refill beverages, grab ice, or put food away.

Whether you like it or not, that’s an essential aspect of organizing any outdoor event, from large backyard barbecues to little gatherings on patios with friends. Unfortunately, you cannot place your refrigerator next to your grill—or can you?

While we do not advocate bringing your primary refrigerator outside, you may set up a refrigerator outside with certain restrictions since these appliances use mostly inside.

Can You Put A Refrigerator Outside

Can You Put A Refrigerator Outside?

Yes, a refrigerator may install outdoors, but some care must be taken.

The refrigerator should not be positioned in regions where it would get direct sunlight. The sun may cause harm to the fridge by heating it to very high temperatures.

Another precaution for persons living in cold areas is to ensure that there is no water on their surfaces since this might lead to condensation and, ultimately, rust.

A refrigerator on the porch seems to be a brilliant idea. It’s a terrific way to increase your chilled food storage, and if you have an outside stove or grill, have food and drinks close by while you cook conveniently.

However, it is a frequent misconception that all freezers are made to withstand all weather conditions. Incorrectly designed refrigerators may jeopardize your health and the appliance’s lifespan.

Indoor refrigerators are not built to survive the weather and are much less secure outside. So, what distinguishes an outdoor refrigerator from a fridge in your kitchen?

Differences Between Indoor And Outdoor Refrigerators

You might be mistaken for thinking that all refrigerators were made equal.

While the core physics is the same whether you’re inside or outside, each refrigerator is designed for a distinct environment. Different temperature ranges need different cooling solutions.

Because the typical home seldom deviates much between 55-80 degrees Fahrenheit (13 – 27 degrees Celsius). Within this range, indoor refrigerators are at their most efficient. Below freezing, your refrigerator may potentially freeze and cease to function!

So, as I previously said, you may take your fridge outdoors. There is, however, a reason why patio and garage refrigerators are often reserved for drinks. You’ll probably have some issues throughout the hotter and colder months.

Outdoor refrigerators contain precautions against the kinds of issues that interior refrigerators have. Outdoor refrigerators can perform consistently over a broader range of ambient temperatures.

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They are also built of a long-lasting material that can endure the weather. This sort of refrigerator, however, may be expensive. I’ll assume you’ll be installing an inside refrigerator outside.

Can You Put A Refrigerator Outside

Is It Illegal To Leave A Refrigerator Outside?

It all depends on what you mean by “leave.” In most places, leaving a fridge outdoors with its doors open is illegal. It saves children from being trapped inside an abandoned refrigerator while playing.

It is not abandoned if you have a fridge in your yard as part of your outdoor cooking setup. However, even if it is turned off and not in use, you must ensure that children and pets do not get trapped in the compartment.

Problems With Using A Refrigerator Outside

What problems could arise if you place a refrigerator outside? Everything is dependent on whether you run it in January or July!

Extremely hot or cold temperatures can bring a variety of issues.

Additionally, the severe temperature changes in autumn and spring may create many problems. First, consider it in terms of weather.

If It Is Too Hot

When I say “hot,” I mean temperatures that are more than 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Most manufacturers will guarantee adequate cooling till that point.

It may surprise you, but keeping the contents of a refrigerator cold after they are cold is pretty straightforward. Most hot weather only implies slightly higher power expenses, assuming you aren’t keeping the refrigerator door open or fetching a fresh drink every 5 minutes.

However, issues might emerge when the temperature increases beyond 110 degrees. The refrigerator has to work harder, which puts extra pressure on the hardware.

The components and gaskets/seals become hotter as the temperature rises. It may lessen their potency and expedite their demise.

However, major difficulties arise when the temperature goes below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

If It Is Too Cold

Cooler weather (temperatures between 32 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit) is great for chilling drinks in the refrigerator. The refrigerator does not have to work as hard to keep the contents chilled, which reduces the total electricity demand.

While this seems to be a wonderful thing, it comes with a cost. Because the air traveling through the compressor is never fully heated back up, the mechanism that maintains the freezer cold does not perform nearly as effectively.

The freezer will struggle to keep meals frozen due to the loss in efficiency. Cold weather reverses this inefficiency, but temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit put the compressor in danger of freezing.

While the low temperatures outside will keep your food and beverages cool for the time being, you should double-check that your refrigerator is operating at peak efficiency when the weather heats up again.

Can You Put A Refrigerator Outside

Tips For Using A Fridge Outside

Purchasing an outdoor refrigerator might be expensive. While you can’t control the weather, there are several things you can do to help your refrigerator endure the elements. 

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Regularly Inspect And Clean Your Fridge

Leaving a refrigerator outdoors exposes it to additional dust, filth, and possible damage. To keep your refrigerator running, it is essential to inspect and clean the appliance components regularly.

Examine the refrigerator from the inside out, paying close attention to any areas that seem damaged. Inspect the refrigerator’s inside and exterior for dents and scrapes.

It is also necessary to examine the coils. Not cleaning your refrigerator’s coils might cost you a lot of money. When your refrigerator’s coils get clogged, it must work harder to perform the same functions. If the appliance works harder, it will suffer from increased wear and tear, necessitating the replacement of the refrigerator.

Provide Cover For Your Outdoor Refrigerator

Excessive rain, sun, and wind exposure may hasten the death of any device, even if it is designed for outdoor use.

I suggest locating the optimum placement for your new outdoor fridge to protect and prolong its life. A covered patio keeps the worst of the weather and the scorching direct sun at bay.

If you don’t have a covered patio, building a pergola or roof over your outdoor kitchen can enable you to use it more often while protecting your outdoor equipment.

Put Thought Into Placement

While an outdoor refrigerator may sustain greater temperatures than an interior refrigerator, it is best to maintain them as low as possible to enhance the unit’s operation and endurance. Keep the refrigerator away from direct sunlight and the elements, and clean the surrounding area of plants and rubbish.

An adequate airflow surrounding an outdoor fridge is also essential to prevent the engine from overheating. Make sure that there is ample area for air to travel around all edges. Remove any fallen leaves and other debris from the area around it.


It is not a good idea to use an inside fridge outside for safety concerns. Prices for outdoor refrigerators have decreased substantially in recent years, making them more affordable.

The benefits of having an outdoor refrigerator in your outdoor kitchen are immeasurable. Whether you want to store meat before grilling, entertain friends, or want a refreshing drink without having to trek back and forth inside, this is the place to be.

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