What To Do When You Find A Turtle In Your Backyard?

If you come across a turtle in your backyard, it can cause concern. While many people may think that a found turtle in the yard is simply lost, there are several reasons why a found turtle may be in an unfamiliar environment. Turtles found in yards and gardens may have been displaced by construction or landscaping projects, or they could be looking for food or shelter. So, what to do when you find a turtle in your backyard?

Read through this article to find out what to do if you find a turtle.

What To Do When You Find A Turtle In Your Backyard

Why is there a turtle in my yard?

You may be wondering why there is a turtle in your backyard. So, here are some possible reasons.

The first reason is that the turtle was looking for a place to lay its eggs. Some turtles will travel long distances to find an appropriate spot to lay their eggs. And sometimes, they’ll end up in someone’s backyard instead of their original destination. 

Lastly, it’s also possible that the turtle was simply lost.

What to Do When You Find a Turtle in Your Backyard?

Springtime is the time for turtle migration, and as a result, it’s common to see them on roads and in yards. If you’re unsure what to do if you find a turtle in your yard, consider these options to keep the turtle safe and prevent feeling guilty about your inaction.

1. Check with the Veterinar of Animal Rescue to see if the turtle is injured or sick

There might be something wrong with the turtle you found in your yard. If you think it isn’t healthy, you should contact a veterinarian or animal rescue center right away.

2. Identify the turtle species

They may break out of their cages or be released by people who no longer want them. These turtles aren’t likely to be native to your area, and they could have a big impact on the native species.

Because they haven’t grown up in the outside world, they have little chance of surviving in the wild. Depending on the species, it may be unlawful to approach, disturb, or even adopt them.

3. Leave The Turtle Alone

If you find a turtle in your yard, the best thing to do is to leave it there. It will eventually find its way back to where it came from. If something is blocking its path, such as a fence, you can provide an exit route by creating a small opening with a rock or shovel.

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You may be doing more harm than good if you take the turtle home. The new environment may not suit the turtle, and it could die.

4. Check the surroundings: Look for the turtle’s home

If you find a turtle in your backyard, you should first look for the turtle’s home. If you can’t find the home, you should put the turtle in an area where it will be safe until you can return it to its home. Check the surroundings for any potential dangers, such as dogs or cars.

5. Handle the turtle carefully: Don’t scare it

When you find a turtle in your backyard, you may wonder how to care for a turtle found outside. The most important thing to remember is to handle it carefully. Don’t scare it, and don’t try to pick it up if it’s trying to hide. If you can, put a box or a dish over the turtle, so it feels safe, and then slowly slide a piece of cardboard or paper underneath so you can pick it up.

Be sure to support the shell and the body when you lift it up. If you’re going to release the turtle back into its natural habitat, take care not to release it on asphalt or in tall grass where it could get lost or injured. Instead, try to find a spot near water with plenty of good hiding spots for the turtle.

6. Place the turtle in a safe spot: Away from predators and traffic

First and foremost, if you happen to come upon a turtle in the yard, make sure it is out of harm’s way of predators and other vehicles. Small turtles can be contained in a shoebox or cardboard box lined with damp paper towels.

Even a kiddie pool or other water-filled container will suffice if the turtle is larger. Keep a close check on the turtle until you can get it to a wildlife rehabilitation facility.

7. Take Care of Baby Turtle

What To Do When You Find A Turtle In Your Backyard

Wild baby turtles are in danger. They are helpless and will certainly perish before reaching the ocean. So, if you see a lost young turtle, bring it inside and call professionals. They will significantly increase the baby turtle’s survival chances.

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Mother turtles lay their eggs outside water and let their young fend for themselves; thus, leaving a baby turtle alone is a big mistake. A newborn turtle in the wild has no protection.

Can I Keep a Turtle I Found Outside?

The simple answer is that it’s unlikely. A wild turtle should not be adopted on a whim. It takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication to keep a reptile happy and healthy in your home. However, if you’re set on having one as a pet, few considerations are to make.

  • Find out what kind of turtle it is and whether or not people keep it as a pet by identifying its species. Leave it alone if it’s endangered or too feral.
  • Take a look at the rules in your area and see if it is legal to keep this kind of turtle as a pet.
  • This is not something you want to get into legal problems for.
  • Visit a veterinarian or caretaker and have the turtle tested for any ailments that could cause long-term harm.
  • The best way to raise turtles is to do your homework. Ensure your house is secure for the turtle to live in by taking the required safeguards.

Make sure you’re prepared to put in the time and effort necessary to keep turtles happy and healthy as pets before deciding to get one. You can try to elevate the turtle if you keep these factors in mind. But keep in mind that turtles are a long-term commitment, so don’t rush into it. As a result, don’t take this lightly! The turtle should be taken to a rehabilitation facility or left alone if possible. You may want to consider adopting or purchasing an animal from a pet store if you really want one.

What is the best thing to do if you find a turtle?

If you find a turtle in your yard, the best thing to do is to let it to its own devices. Most turtles won’t be in your yard for more than a day, and they’ll go on their own accord.

No matter how long they stay, it won’t hurt or delay your plans. Providing some space is a great way to participate in nature’s process while enjoying the benefits. To put it mildly, a turtle snuck into your yard is a remote possibility. Let things be as they are if they do happen.

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